Upcoming Releases

Title: Ah Lam's Quest - Adventures of the Spitfire Crew, Book 4
Author: David C. Drizzit
Publisher: FHR Publishing House
Release Date: November, 2014 (Estimated)
Length: 45,000-50,000 words (Estimated)
Retail Price: TBD
Space Western (with a romance subplot)
Basic Information:
Book 4 will continue in the action-packed spirit of books 1 - 2.

Blurb: To be determined.

Title: Tales from the Spitfire - Adventures of the Spitfire Crew, Book 5
Author: David C. Drizzit
Publisher: FHR Publishing House
Release Date: May, 2015 (Estimated)
Length: 45,000-50,000 words (Estimated)
Retail Price: TBD
Space Western (with a romance subplot)
Basic Information:
Book 5 will be a series of short stories about the characters in books 1 - 4.

Blurb: To be determined.